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Cheese Fondue

Cheese Fondue

My first experience with cheese fondue was at a chain restaurant in Seattle. I think my parents took us for my birthday, though which birthday it was I can't remember. I do remember that we went to a Seattle SuperSonics game afterwards, that I was obsessed with Detlef Schrempf at the time, and that cheese fondue instantly became my new favorite food. We bought a fondue pot shortly there after, and when I went away to college my mother gave me my own.

Yesterday when we were setting up our new Swissmar Fondue Pots, a woman and her husband told us that they started a tradition of New Year's Eve Fondue with their grandkids. Now that the grandkids are a older, they still think New Year's Eve Fondue is just something you're supposed to do. They turn down invitations to wild and crazy high school parties to spend New Year's Eve making fondue with their grandparents at a lake house.

Melted cheese is so good, it can make even teenagers forget about the social pressures of high school for one night to spend time with family.

So whether its for New Year's Eve, a birthday celebration, or no special reason whatsoever (because who needs a special reason to eat melted cheese?), gather the loved ones in your COVID-bubble around a pot a fondue and make a tradition that will last a lifetime.


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  • Marguerite Jodry
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