How To Make Tea Simple Syrups
I keep a variety of simple syrups on hand (in the fridge), which I use primarily for making mocktails. They also come in handy for baked goods or to dress up a cup of tea or coffee. Plain simple syrup—which is traditionally equal parts sugar to water by volume—is nice to have on hand, but it can be a little boring, so I make various flavored simple syrups to keep things interesting.
One of my favorites to make is tea simple syrup. You can use any tea you really like. Black tea has a slightly bitter flavor, while green tea is grassy. Herbal teas, like rooibos, are also fun. Hands down, my favorite tea is Harney & Sons London Fog, so it's no surprise that it's also my favorite simple syrup.
Making simple syrup from tea is so easy it doesn't even require a recipe. With the 1:1 sugar to water ratio in mind, just substitute tea for the water, and you have tea simple syrup. I like to brew the tea extra strong, using 2-3 tea bags instead of just one, but otherwise, it's just that easy. You can do it too!
Simple syrup is not only versatile and easy to make, but it also has a long shelf life. It stays good in the fridge for up a month, or can be frozen in ice cube trays indefinitely. This reassurance means you can always be prepared for your next culinary adventure.