learn to cook pasta

Kenzie Can't Cook - Ep. 1 One Pot Lemon Zucchini Basil Pasta

Not so long ago, my friend Kenzie proudly proclaimed that not only can she not cook, but she wants to share just how bad of a cook she thinks she is with all of Zest's followers for the benefit of my business. Thus was born Kenzie Can't Cook, a video series where I, Margi (Marguerite) walk Kenzie through how to make a new-to-her recipe to help cultivate her culinary chops. 

On our first episode of Kenzie Can't Cook, I talk Kenzie through the famed/dreaded/much maligned one-pot-pasta method. Depending on who you ask, this is either the greatest invention of all time, or literally the worst thing that has ever happened to pasta.

To those who say "Italians don't cook pasta this way," well apparently those people have never had Pasta con Ceci - a hearty dish of pasta and chickpeas cooked in their own, tomato paste and rosemary infused sauce that hails from Rome - which has been around since...well, long before Martha Stewart and The Food Network.

So whether or not you believe one-pot-pastas are a form of sacrilege against the Italian school of cookery (which is really less of a school and more of a bunch of Nonnas from different regions insisting their Pasta Con Ceci is the best), you can follow along with Kenzie to find out is it really possible to cook your pasta and your sauce in one pot without getting gummy noodles and flavorless sauce!?


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